5 ideas to challenge your view of Yoga
2 Min to read
1. Yoga is a system for an intelligent approach to life
Yoga might help us to gain an intelligent approach to life. The intelligent approach to life is the ability to notice, take into consideration, or release emotions and streams of thoughts before they take over you and force you to mindlessly or automatically respond to important external conditions.
2. Yoga philosophy exists to inspire us
Yoga philosophy intends to inspire us and represents views that have the potential to enrich our life, increase its quality, and finally let us experience happiness far more often than would be experienced without yoga practice.
3. Yoga postures are far more than physical routine
If you practice yoga only as a fitness exercise for stretching and strengthening, it is similar to playing a piano using only one octave – you barely get the same breath-taking beautiful music; an unconditional high quality of life and its accompanying elements, moments of deep natural happiness and on-going contentment, sound like the masterpiece of a genius composer.
4. Meditation is a part of yoga practice
The majority of meditation styles have much to do with psychological well-being and the process of inner self-healing.
5. Yoga has different facets: inspirational philosophical concepts, physical posture practice, and mental exercises – they indeed act as a vitamin complex and co-exist to provide you with diversified instruments to increase quality of life. Do not forget any of them!
These 5 ideas are taken from the book „Change the highway lane“. You can learn more about this new yoga book on September 12th 2019 at Studio Re:treat in Vienna.
Presentation starts at 19:15 and you are more than welcome at this event. There is no entrance fee. During the presentation, we will practice light yoga postures and meditate a bit. This is also a charity event where you can donate to an Austrian Organization that helps children who are diagnosed with cancer – Österreichische Kinder-Krebs-Hilfe.
To attend a charity yoga class & book presentation please write a message at connect@satitias.com Thank you!